We’ve done our best to answer the questions our customers ask us the most. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Feel free to send us a private message, and we’ll do our best to demystify your query.
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[accordion action="new accordion" title=" I have more questions/ comments/ complaints. Who can I contact?"] Send an email to Hello@WilkiiPlanner.com anytime. We’ll revert within 24-48 hours (Business Days). [accordion action="end accordion"]
[accordion action="new accordion" title=" I’d LOVE to collaborate with you guys! Who can I contact?"]Great! Feel free to send an email to Hello@WilkiiPlanner.com anytime. We’ll revert within 24-48 hours (Business Days). Be sure to share a little bit about yourself, and why we should collaborate with you ☺ .
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[accordion action="new accordion" title="How can I become a Wilkii Planner Social Ambassador? "]Ooh, we like the sound of that! Send an email to Hello@WilkiiPlanner.com. We’ll revert within 24-48 hours (Business Days). Be sure to include the details of your social media account(s) along with more about who you are and why we should choose you as our social media ambassador. We’d love to hear from you! .
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[accordion action="new accordion" title=" I have more questions/ comments/ complaints. Who can I contact?"] Send an email to Hello@WilkiiPlanner.com anytime. We’ll revert within 24-48 hours (Business Days). [accordion action="end accordion"]
[accordion action="new accordion" title=" I’d LOVE to collaborate with you guys! Who can I contact?"]Great! Feel free to send an email to Hello@WilkiiPlanner.com anytime. We’ll revert within 24-48 hours (Business Days). Be sure to share a little bit about yourself, and why we should collaborate with you ☺ .
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[accordion action="new accordion" title="How can I become a Wilkii Planner Social Ambassador? "]Ooh, we like the sound of that! Send an email to Hello@WilkiiPlanner.com. We’ll revert within 24-48 hours (Business Days). Be sure to include the details of your social media account(s) along with more about who you are and why we should choose you as our social media ambassador. We’d love to hear from you! .
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